PHASE 3: Collecting and disseminating the project results and experiences (final conference, final publications and translations)
PHASE 3: Collecting and disseminating the project results and experiences (final conference, final publications and translations)
01-07/2018: Regular updating of the project website and the Facebook site
01-03/2018: Translating a set of the project products (e.g. teaching materials, modules) into the Nordic/Baltic languages
03-05/2018: Preparing the presentations/workshops at the final conference
01-07/2018: Writing articles in national journals and joint articles in international journals
05/2018: 2-day conference (with workshops) in Copenhagen, Denmark. Title of the conference:
"Developing Early Foreign Language Learning and Teaching in the Nordic/Baltic Context"
06/2016: Final contact to the ECML's National Contact Points
07/2016: Finalizing the website, integrating all products into the website and clarifying the maintenance
07/2018: Self-evaluation: Analysis of ability to fulfil the aims of the project